About Us

The Solace World

An advocate of ingestible wellness.

Solace is a Canadian based company that began in — as a result of the founder, –’s passion in health, wellness, and holistic beauty.

Solace Health BG



Our meticulously chosen range of health solutions is based on the belief that through wellness, you may live the life you’ve always imagined. Putting you in a state where you can feel strong, confident and capable. Solace is dedicated to empowering you in taking control of your health and wellness. All natural.


We make things possible with wellness. It’s the universal truth; our primary goal. This is who we are, without doubt. It’s so straightforward that it may be mistaken for plain. Despite its simplicity, it shows a significant breakthrough.

You can make things possible.

We all can. There are no longer limitations; only options – your deepest aspirations. Your first step into the driver’s seat of your life is to choose wellness. Be the pilot of your own power to enjoy life on your own volition.

In delivering a comprehensive and faultless panorama of nutrients and wisdom that flawlessly nourish humans on all levels, nature will be on your side. We at Solace have the honor of exploring and refining Nature’s richness in order to offer health solutions that taste great while thoroughly feeding any body and spirit that wishes to flourish. All natural.

In every drop you endow to your body, the Solace Elixirs leave a mark of Nature’s immense power and pure wisdom. A blend of the world’s toughest and nutrient-dense plants, acquired organically from their natural ecosystems then expertly crafted and blended providing your body with the fundamental nourishment and control it needs to survive, even in the face of adversity.

Join us in taking a big leap through creating a place in nature where we share the empowering domain of wellness. With wellness, we are capable of conquering everything. With wellness, we can change the world with conviction and a drop of water.

At Solace,we stand for


As a proudly Canadian firm, we take pride in being surrounded by an incredible country rich in natural beauty and resources. Every Canadian’s heart and soul is quality of life. This motivates us in all we do and everything we contribute to the world. We keep our word; we just who we say we are and do what we say we’ll do. This is our strong feeling of support to the world, our pledge of loyalty.


Wellness is indubitably for everyone, because health is everyone’s natural state. Our body is a natural entity that  is extremely extraordinary.   So it’s only reasonable that we’d go to great lengths to get nutrients from exclusively natural sources so that consumers may get the maximum wellness advantages and effects they need and deserve. All Natural.


Beauty is a state of mind. It’s a manner of being and living that radiates a distinct spirit that resonates with others. By uniting your own internal and external brilliance, you can project confidence, power, and charm while exuding a natural energy that others find irresistible. The world becomes a better place for everyone when people discover their own inner beauty and bring it out into their lives. 


Genuine quality is a simple concept that encompasses a wide range of elements. Quality is an integral stage of every process and work we put in to produce high grade products that exceeds expectations. At all times, in every process, and every single detail, every choice must be flawless. That is what it takes to have genuinely distinguishable and dependable greatness. When we think about quality we mean beauty as wellness, healthy as wealthy, and inner peace as the true ultimate goal.


Everyone can enjoy the full life that is possible with wellness. When you feel healthy, you become the pilot of your own wellness journey that will make you feel naturally wonderful. Amazing things naturally come out of you–your energy, you attract more opportunities, and you can achieve more. You’re willing and capable, motivated to participate more fully in life. With wellness, you can thrive in the life you’d only dreamed of living. You feel that you’re making the most out of life and have the eagerness to grow with every possibility. With health, the life you’ve always imagined will be yours.


It’s an honor to be able to contribute to the world’s well-being. People who are healthy are free to attract and enhance the life they were destined to live in as many ways as they see fit. While it is every individual’s duty to select how they want to express themselves in the world, it is our obligation to provide them with the finest available assistance and tools to help them develop into the best version of themselves for the greater good of everyone.