The Skin Elixir


Capsules of vital supplements that produce healthy and youthful skin. 60 Capsules per container.

Availability: 85 in stock

SKU: EMK0020-1 Categories: ,

The Skin Elixir is a vegan mixture of herbal components that supports the skin effectively in a bioavailable pill to achieve healthy glowing skin from deep within. It is purposely made to give the skin a clear, brightning result in supercharged, on-the-go vegan pills which are non-GMO, gluten and dairy-free.

When taken every day, The Skin elixir effectively produce:

  • Healthy skin + Skin recovery and regeneration
  • Skin immovability and elasticity
  • Decrease free radicals in the body.

How to use: Use two teaspoons of The Super Elixir greens powder with water or milk. Inatake morning or during the day, avoid consuming it at night time. Vegan | Non-GMO | Dairy free | Gluten free | No artificial colours | No added sugar


How to use

Take two capsules per day, morning or at lunch along with food or as prescribed by your Doctor. It is strongly recommended to take the supplement with or promptly after eating food because of the zinc content and avoid taking it at night due to the B vitamins in the product that may disrupt sleep. Read the label thoroughly and solely follow the directions. If symptoms persist talk to your health professional. For pregnancy & Breastfeeding: We have included an inner leaf Aloe Vera extract in the product however we cannot ensure the absence of anthraquinones within the capsules, which ought to not be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding.



Each capsule contains: Acai (Euterpe oleracea fruit juice extract 15 mg) equiv. dry fruit juice 60 mg; Acerola (Malpighia glabra fruit extract 88.2 mg) equiv. (min) fresh fruit (contains std. ascorbic acid 15 mg) 882.4 mg; Aloe vera (Aloe vera inner leaf extract 2.5 mg) equiv. dry inner leaf 500 mg; Barley (Hordeum vulgare leaf powder) 87.5 mg; Black pepper (Piper nigrum fruit extract 2.5 mg) equiv. dry fruit 51.3 mg; Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica sprout power) 12.5 mg; Green tea (Camellia sinensis leaf extract 22.5 mg) equiv. dry leaf 22.5 mg; Papaya (Carica papaya fruit powder) 25 mg; Pomegranate (Punica granatum fruit juice powder) 30 mg; Spinach (Spinacia oleracea leaf powder) 12.5 mg; Turmeric (Curcuma longa rhizome extract 25 mg) equiv. dry rhizome 500 mg; Vitamin B3 (nicotinamide) 8 mg; Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine from pyridoxine hydrochloride) 3 mg; Vitamin E (d-alpha-tocopheryl acid succinate) 25 IU; Copper (from copper gluconate) 250 micrograms; Zinc (from zinc amino acid chelate) 7.5 mg; Methionine 10 mg; Silicon (from colloidal anhydrous silica) 2.3 mg.



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